When it comes to the creative process something people will often ask about are what sort of tools you use to make the things you do. Now some of the more straight forward products can be things like specific writing utensils (Pilot pens are my uttermost favorite!) or what sort of word processing program. But just for fun I thought I’d take this picture and show a different part of the “necessary tools” I have in my creative process. You have no idea how many hours you will end up spending hunched over either a notebook, a keyboard, or an art tablet when you are working on both publishing stories and being a content creator online. With that comes a space of constant tight shoulder and neck muscles.
And so, in order to keep working for the next two to three hours at a time I will often wear a Tens Unit to loosen my shoulder and neck muscles. I also daily take vitamin D and Magnesium to help those muscles remain well supported. Along with that you can see my tumbler there and that represents keeping my hydration game on point. I am constantly making sure to drink enough water so that I don’t stiffen up. A little TMI, I also have had a lot of gut issues over my life and the combination of magnesium, D3, and water is what helps me not to got into debilitating pain.
Then come the wrist braces. I don’t always need them, but they become a necessity for the longer work sprints. I’ve battled with issues of carpal tunnel for years. And being that everything I do requires heavy use of my hands for repetitive motions, I often will just wear them as a precautionary method to keep things from being aggravated later. You never really think about the health risks that can be involved in a creative based career. But here you are! Honestly nowadays these things don’t stress me out any more as long as I remain consistent in my self care practices, then I can keep going for as long as I need/want.
So what about you? What are some of the non-obvious essential items you need for your work?